Journal of Public Health birti nýlega grein um breska rannsókn sem sýndi fram á að þeir sem fléttuðu hjólreiðum inn í lífstíl sinn með því að nota reiðhjól til samgangna voru fjórfalt líklegri en aðrir til að ná ráðlagðri vikulegri hreyfingu eða sexfalt líklegri ef þeir bjuggu í London. Alþjóða heilbrygðistofnunin WHO ráðleggur 150 mínútur af hóflegri hreyfingu vikulega eða 75 mínútur af stífri hreyfingu eða bland þar af.
Niðurstöðurnar voru fengnar með greiningu gagna úr The English Active People Survey sem er sú stærsta í Evrópu með 160.000 símaviðtölum árlega í yfir 10 ár.
Quantifying the contribution of utility cycling to population levels of physical activity: an analysis of the Active People Survey
Glenn Stewart, Nana Kwame Anokye, Subhash Pokhrel
J Public Health (Oxf) (2016) 38 (4): 644-652.
Published: 11 December 2015
People who undertook utility cycling were four times as likely to meet current physical activity recommendations as those who did not undertake such cycling, even after controlling for other underlying population characteristics. In inner London where investments in cycle infrastructure have taken place, this likelihood appears to rise to six times. As utility cycling has a tremendous potential to both increase population levels of physical activity and reduce the external costs of motorized transport, promotion of utility cycling therefore appears to be a pragmatic policy option to public health decision-makers.
Sjá líka grein í Momentum Magazine sem fjallaði um rannsóknina.
A Study Finds Cyclists to Be Six Times Healthier than Other Commuters